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Apples we grow...


Honeycrisp was patented in 1988, and released in 1991, the Honeycrisp, once slated to be discarded, has become a prized commercial commodity as its sweetness and firmness make it an ideal eating apple.  It was bred for taste: crisp, with balanced sweetness and acidity.  It has much larger cells than most apples, which rupture when bitten to fill the mouth with juice.  The Honeycrisp also retains its pigment well and boasts a relatively long shelf life when stored in cool, dry conditions.



Evercrisp was developed in Ohio around the year 2000. They are a cross between Fuji and Honeycrisp and they deliver all the crunch, sweetness, and juiciness you'd want from an apple. They ripen in October and store very well throughout the year. Evercrisp are very versatile as they are great for snacking and baking. They work well in recipes like dumplings because they are so firm and hold their shape.



Ludacrisp is an open pollinated apple derived from honeycrisp. It is a crisp juicy apple similar to a honeycrisp, yet slightly tarter.



Gala is a clonally propagated apple with a mild and sweet flavor. In 2018, it surpassed Red Delicious as the apple cultivar with the highest production in the United States, according to the US Apple Association. It was the first time in over 50 years that any cultivar was produced more than Red Delicious. 
Gala apples are usually vertically striped or mottled, with overall orange color. They are sweet, fine textured, and aromatic. 



Fuji is an apple developed by growers in Japan in the late 1930s, and brought to market in 1962.  Its name is derived from the first part of the town where it was developed: Fujisaki.  Fuji contain between 9–11% sugars by weight and have a dense flesh that is sweeter and crisper than many other apples, making them popular around the world. Fuji apples also have a very long shelf life compared to other apples. 



McIntosh is the national apple of Canada. The fruit has red and green skin, a tart flavor, and tender white flesh.  In the 20th century it was the most popular cultivar in Eastern Canada and New England and is considered an all-purpose apple, for cooking and eating.



Red Delicious was first recognized in Iowa, in 1880. According to the US Apple Association website, it is one of the fifteen most popular apple cultivars in the United States.  It’s a classic and has set the tone for apples for years. Red Delicious apples are mildly sweet with just a few notes of acidity. Simple and delicious.
It’s best to enjoy Red Delicious as a fresh snack, but you can also juice it. It has high-antioxidants, so you can reap more apple goodness.



Golden Delicious is one of the 15 most popular in the United States. It is not closely related to the Red Delicious. Golden Delicious is a large, yellowish-green skinned apple and quite sweet. It is prone to bruising and shriveling, so it needs careful handling and storage.



Cortland was raised at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York in 1898. It is among the fifteen most popular in the United States.  
After the many attributes of McIntosh were discovered, plant breeders began crossing it with other varieties to enhance its traits. Cortland's flavor is sweet compared to McIntosh, and it has a flush of crimson against a pale yellow background sprinkled with short, dark red stripes and gray-green dots. It has a very white flesh and makes a great dessert apple.



The Macoun apple was developed in 1909 in New York, then released in 1923 as a growing variety. The Macoun is a cross between McIntosh, providing the best flavor, and the Jersey Black Cultivars, aiding in the beautiful, dark red color. These apples are best eaten fresh, adding to a salad or to a cheese plate, but can also be made into an excellent applesauce. Being so sweet, you will need to add next to no sugar.



The Jonagold apple is a very large, sweet apple with a tangy aftertaste and have a honeylike scent thanks to its parent, Golden Delicious. They were released in 1953 in New York. With the apple having a great sweet and tart balance and being so juicy with a tough, yet smooth skin, they are best eaten fresh or you can whip up a delicious apple crisp or pie.



The Stayman Winesap apple was developed in 1866 and released in 1895 originally in Kansas. They are a medium-sized apple and, by far, the prettiest apple to look at with their bright green skin covered in dark red stripes, spots, and blushing. They are the perfect combination of firm, tender, crisp, and juicy and their sweet/tart balance gives it a wine-like flavor. The Stayman apples are best in applesauce, pies, and cider but are great to eat fresh as well.



The Northern Spy was originated in New York around 1800 and was released in the 1830s. This apple is so well balanced, it does everything well. It is crisp and juicy with the ideal apple taste for eating fresh. You can also bake this apple in pies or any other dessert you'd like.



The Empire variety was developed in the 1940s in New York. It is a cross between Red Delicious and McIntosh. This sweet apple with a crisp texture and bright white flesh is best eaten fresh. We say Empire is the best "lunch box apple" because it doesn't bruise as easily as others and will hold up until lunch time.



Snow Sweet apples were developed and released in in 2006 by the University of Minnesota. The apple is known for its sweet flavor and snow-white flesh. Snow Sweet apples are slow to oxide, meaning the flesh stays whiter than most other apples for a longer period of time after slicing into it. Use this apple for fresh salads and fruit platters.



Ida Red apples were developed in the 1930s and released in the '40s. They got their name from where they were created, Idaho! They have a sweetly tart flavor, and they are juicy when you bite into them. They are great eaten fresh but perfect for an old-fashioned pie since it will hold its shape when cooked.



Zestar apples were developed and released in 1999 by the University of Minnesota. They are an early season apple and have a crisp, juicy texture. These apples are both sweet and tart but are known for their brown sugary flavors. These apples are best eaten fresh, dipped in caramel or other fruit dips, and can also be used in pies and pastries. 


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Pink lady are a crisp tart apple with a beautiful pinkish red skin. Its inner white flesh is a bright white that is slow to oxidize. Pink Lady apples are harvested between late October and early November. They are a great baking and eating apple.




Cameo are a red-striped, crisp apple with a sweat tart flavor. They have a thin skin and can be great for baking and eating.


Mutsu, also known as crispin, is a sweet juicy apple variety. They are a cross between golden delicious and indo cultivators. They are a general apple in the sense that they can be used for just about anything from baking, to eating, to being used on salads.



Ambrosia are sweet, crisp, and have a honey-like, floral flavor. They have low acidity and can be closest compared to red delicious or jonagold. It is bi colored with sections of yellow and others of a reddish-orange. They are great for salads.


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